Lima, Peru, a city of nearly 10 million people, is home and ministry center for Pastor Steve and Kelley Frerichs, missionaries with ABWE. On Saturday, Aug. 3, Chris Hindal, director of Regular Baptist International, traveled from Austin, Texas, to Lima, Peru, to spend the weekend with the Frerichs family and to minister in their church.

Chris preached in the morning service and shared the impact of Regular Baptist International’s partnership around the world. Following the morning service, Steve spoke with a visitor who professed faith in Jesus Christ as her Savior. That evening Chris spoke to a small group of college-age girls and then to a group 35 youth who had gathered for the Sunday sports night.

After Chris’s fun time with the Frerichs family, Steve graciously took Chris to the airport on Monday morning to catch his flight north to Piura, Peru. Jonathan Stilwell, a missionary with Baptist Mid-Missions, met Chris at the airport, and after a 30-minute bus ride they arrived in Sullana at Evangelical Baptist Church, the venue for a four-day pastors’ conference. “Church Growth” had been selected for the conference theme. Chris was one of the three main speakers. Also speaking were Jonathan Stilwell and Peruvian pastor Renee Hurtado.

By request, Chris took three morning sessions to introduce the international partnership, along with specifics of its history, nature, and benefits. In the third session he spoke of the global nature of the Great Commission assignment. Chris also preached Tuesday and Thursday evenings. On Thursday afternoon during the business session, attendees voted to apply for partnership with Regular Baptist International. Praise the Lord!

Sullana is in the northern region of Peru, which has nearly 100 churches scattered across the mountains and jungle regions. Peruvian pastors typically plant several churches. Depending on the area, a church plant may be one hour by a motorcycle from the mother church. Nearly all of the pastors are bivocational, supplementing their income with outside work. The greatest need is for pastors to get additional training, but they are faithfully expanding the influence of the gospel.