Where there is technology, challenges are bound to arise. And presenting Gospel Literature Services at Grace Baptist Church,  Hazleton, Pa., proved to be a challenge as well as a blessing.

Pastor Ryan Day and the congregation warmly welcomed Chris and Deb Hindal on Sunday, July 31. Several individuals requested International Ministries information packets, and the congregation took an offering for Haiti. (A project of the International Ministries involves rebuilding 17 Baptist church buildings in our partnership association in Port-au-Prince. See Hope for Haiti.)

The challenge came as Chris set up the PowerPoint . . . and the remote did not work. So Chris skipped out on Sunday School, went to Staples, and bought another remote. It didn’t work either. But the Hindals found a way around their dilemma, as Deb advanced the slides from the sound booth during Chris’s presentation.

God is not limited by our technology, and He demonstrated his faithfulness to His people.