The 33rd Graduation Exercise of NEIBBC & S was held on April 14, 2011. Pastor Gregg Lanzen of First Baptist Church, Goshen, IN was the speaker. 19 students graduated. Pastor Gregg preached 5 messages on ‘Good Soldier’ from 2 Timothy. He had a tremendous visit – meeting students, visiting other satellite ministries etc.
We are in the process of receiving application for the next session which is starting in the second week of June. We are preparing and praying to accept 25-30 new students. One of the new things I am praying is to have 2 dedicated prayer rooms in the campus – one for boys and the other for girls of NEIBBC & S. The girl’s room has been located but the boy’s one is yet to be found in a suitable location in the campus.

We are praying and preparing to start ABTS seminars at NEIBBC & S beginning Spring 2012. ABTS is Asian Biblical Theological Seminary, an extension program of Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. Last year Prof. Jim Blumensock of ABTS visited us and the ball started rolling. Presently I am in the process of preparing 2 rooms for the Faculty who will come to lecture leading to In-Ministry M.R.E. degree. Also we have to advertise in the 7 Northeastern states of India for students. I envision that the Churches in NE India to benefit much from this program.

We are looking forward to the 35th College Day on August 26, 2011. Pastor Jerry Vanhooser from Mt. Pleasant, IA will be the speaker. He will conduct a 4 days course on Biblical Counseling before the College Day for Graduates who are in ministry and our Graduate students. Please pray for this upcoming event.
Randy & Kelly Huffman of Goshen, IN visited us during May 4-6, 2011. Their visit and stay was disturbed by the pilot’s strike but I praise God that they could make it. Randy visited us in May 1999 with a team from his church in Iowa. It was so nice that he could visit us again. It was first time for Kelly and she found it so easy to visit India/Silchar that she said, ‘I will bring other ladies who need a companion.’ Incidentally Kelly was very hesitant to visit India but this visit has opened her eyes. Praise God.

We have had 2 Faculty meetings so far and another one is scheduled next week to orient our programs at NEIBBC & S towards mission. To mention few: to include a course on Biblical Stewardship in the undergraduate level and to send out our graduate students for field work in the final year. The report of the field work will comprise of his/her Thesis. Please join me in praying so that the endeavor at NEIBBC & S will hae direct impact in the mission programs of the churches and para-churches in NE India.

Ishak Ahmed, President

North East Baptist Bible College and Seminary

The Planters in Partnership India Society

Silchar, Assam, India