SECUNDERABAD,  India—Bharat Bible College reopened on July 1, after summer vacation, preceded by the “Spiritual Life Conference,” which helps set the stage for the year ahead! Rev. Al Harrell of North Carolina was the conference speaker. His theme was, “The Christian and His Spiritual Warfare.” The Scriptural truths that he brought out were deeply instructive and challenging. The faculty and students were greatly blessed by the teaching and exhortation.

As of July 7, the faculty consists of Dr. Sam Buraga, Mr. K. Samuel, Mr. Vinaya Kumar, Mr. Vijay, Mr. Amar Gollajesse, Dr. K. Daniel, Mr. Hanock, Mr. Kiran Kumar, Mrs. Rachel S. Kumar, and Dr. Kali Bhaskar (visiting professor). The student body consists of 110 resident students and 17 evening college students. The students are Christian young men and women who have been called of the Lord to serve His cause in India and outside as Bible teachers, preachers, evangelists, and leaders of Christian schools and organizations.

The work of evangelism goes on in the surrounding villages every Saturday. A group of 10 students goes to one or two villages on a Saturday to preach and distribute Gospel tracts. It is from these villages that most of our School children come. About 10 families from these villages come to our Sunday worship services on the campus. “Evangelization is the touch stone of theological education” (late Dr. J. Buraga). “Evangelism at any cost” (Dr. Samuel Buraga).

Under the leadership of these godly men  Bharat Bible College has been instrumental in teaching and preaching sound Biblical doctrine and church planting from 1969 in India and outside India through its graduates. Apart from this, BBC has its own seven satellite churches pastored by the graduates. All  seven churches are functioning effectively in preaching and teaching God’s Word. As a result of this ministry, many came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. This year on Aug. 16, nine young men and women were baptized by Dr. Samuel Buraga upon their acceptance of Christ as their personal Savior.