By the grace of God, the college is doing well in all aspects of its ministry. As we have come to the end of another calender year; your prayer fellowship is solicited as we contemplate upon sending 15 teams this winter (December 7-14 2008) to various towns and rural areas in our State of Andhra Pradesh. Each team will consist of two senior leaders – one of then a Teacher – with ten to twelve members. We are asking some of our local pastor-friends and BBC graduate-pastors to undertake for our teams for one whole week.

This campaign will cost us approx. $13,000/- ($866 approx. for each team). The expenditure would be as follows:

Printing – $1200/- (200,000 gospels and tracts)
Transportation – $3700/- (for 180 people to and from BBC)
Food – $4200/- (for 180 people for one whole week)
PA System – $2200/- (for street preaching & evening meetings)
Accommodation – $1200/- (for 180 people located at different places)

I would deeply appreciate your financial support to this great endeavour in these troublous times. I will keep you informed of the planning and progress of this annual project.

May the Lord keep blessing your ministry to His glory, and we both have the privilege and joy of sharing not only in the spread of Gospel of Jesus Christ but also plant biblical churches to His glory.

– for more pictures and information about Bharat, please visit our website: –

Thank you vey much,
Yours sincerely in Christ

Sam Buraga