This month of February, I will write a report of our Bible College Ministry and Bible translation. I will try to write on Church Planting Movement in March and April.

For 2010 – 2011 Academic there were 168 students at Biblical School of Theology and there were 27 students at Faith Missionary training Institute. The Lord’s Hands have been seen throughout this academic year in different ways. Throughout this academic year, with students, we could have Children Sunday School Club at 28 places every Sunday morning. We could reach 460- 470 children on every Sunday with the gospel. Those children are from non-Christian parents. All the children said that they accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. By God’s grace, we could end this Academic year successfully.

We conducted our 13rd Graduation Exercise on February 26, 2011. There were 38 graduated students ( 11 with Diploma, 25 with Bachelor degree, 2 with Master degree). And on the 27th of February, we had our Annual Thanksgiving Service at the Bible College Campus.  And on February 28, students left the College Campus. Most of our students are assigned to do soul winning outreach during the summer.  Soldier of Jesus Christ Team March 1- 14, 2011- we will have a special training for Soldier of Jesus Christ who will be reaching the unreached people

groups during our summer March – May ( Three months). There are 15 girls and 11 boys; in total 26 soldiers. They are now taking a special training. They are being taught: Suffering Theology. How to approach unreached people groups, How to teach Children, How to handle hardships and Difficulties, How to have a fervent prayer, Friendship with the Holy Spirit, etc. They will be back to the Bible College in June for another new Academic year.

Translation Senior Consultants Ross and his wife Cathy came to Myanmar again and with them, we finished the Falam NT revision and we finished the book of Exodus and Leviticus checking word by word. We want to finish the whole OT very soon, and so I will spend most of my time for OT for two years. Our Falam Chin people need badly a good Bible.  May I say to you thanks a million for your partnership. Because of your financial support, we could have such a wonderful ministry in Myanmar.

Yours in His vineyard,
Timothy Sui Lian Mang
Servant of the Lord

Revival Baptist Missions of Myanmar

Yangon, Myanmar

