Timothy Sui Lian Mang is president of Myanmar Biblical Baptist Fellowship; mission director of Revival Baptist Churches of Myanmar; and founder of Biblical School of Theology in Myanmar. He sends the following ministry highlights from March and April.

I. Bible Conferences

Youth Conference

Our first youth conference was conducted at Chaungtha Beach March 17–20; 152 young image002people and 49 children came from different mission fields. There was preaching every evening and Bible teaching in groups during the day. We thank God that it was a successful conference. Believers were strengthened, and 20 young people accepted Jesus as their Savior and were baptized.

Discipleship Conference in Eastern Myanmar

We conducted a three-day intensive discipleship conference for new convertsimage002 the second week of March in Tachilik, at the Thailand border. We could sponsor only 20 people, but in the evening many people came for the meeting.

Bible Conference

image002During the Buddhist water festival April 14–17, we had a Bible conference at Biblical School of Theology with 28 children, 180 youth, and 85 adults. Thirteen preachers spoke. We praise God that 28 children, 68 young people, and 11 adults accepted Jesus as their Savior, and 74 people rededicated their lives to the Lord.

Missionaries’ Kids Conference

This is my son Issachar’s vision. Fifty-two children attended this second Missionaries’ Kids Conference April 25–27 at the Bible college facility. It was a heart-touched conference indeed; children and young people dedicated their lives to ministry.

II. Boot Camp

On the outskirts of Taungkyi City, Shan State, we had a small house for Boot Camp. The image002purpose of this camp is to train dedicated young people for the ministry. We could accept only 20 young people due lack of facility. The training opened on April 1 and will end on May 31.

III. Assembly Hall

Construction on the Assemble Hall is going well, and we hope it will be finished late this year. We will be able to have conferences, seminars, and other activities at the Hall. We also hope the Lord will enable us to bring more people to this church.

The Spirit of God is moving throughout the country. All these ministries happen because of your financial and prayer support.

Yours in His vineyard,

Timothy Sui Lian Mang
Yangon, Myanmar