Premadas Nallagatla, pastor of Amazing Grace Baptist Church, Telangana, India, preached at an open-air gospel meeting in the village of Anumulanka. His friend Samuel Raj, pastor of Telugu Baptist Church, had organized the meeting.

That village “is where I was born,” Premadas says. “I met my dear old people who cared and pampered my childhood in the village of my birth. I was excited to see them after many years.”

At the meeting May 8, he preached on Jacob’s life and remarkable reconciliation.

In addition to serving as a pastor, Premadas started Voice Ministries. That ministry has planted 12 churches in a tribal area of India, has begun Hillside Baptist Bible College, and, under Voice Charitable Trust, is digging wells for people in Telengana state. He has also trained 15 pastors who are “serving faithfully,” he says.