image001Pastor Keith and Sue Hunt began ministering at First Baptist Church, Nebraska City, Nebraska, in 1999. This historic church, the first Baptist church west of the Missouri River, will celebrate its 160th anniversary in August. The existing church building constructed in the 1800s reflects years of excellent maintenance, with a beautiful auditorium accessorized by wonderful stained glass windows.

Chris and Deb Hindal were warmly received on Sunday, July 5 as Chris presented the GARBC International Ministries, of which he is director, in the Sunday School hour and the worship service. The people seemed genuinely interested as they picked up the literature packets and asked about the International Ministries projects that support ministries around the world.

During the worship service, Pastor Hunt invited Chris to the platform and presented a check for $874.24 collected at this year’s VBS designated for Operation Kids, which will enable children around the globe to attend VBS. Though the attendance at First Baptist’s VBS only averaged 40, the offering reflected the students’ generous and enthusiastic spirit.

The Hindals enjoyed a delicious buffet at Lied Lodge and especially enjoyed catching up with the Hunts. During their years at Faith Baptist Bible College, Keith and Sue attended Slater (Iowa) Baptist Church, which Chris pastored at that time.