Chris and Deb Hindal finished up their two-week ministry trip to Peru in the capital, Lima. The Hindals have been visiting associations and prospective associations of Regular Baptist International, of which Chris is director.

Though the Spanish-speaking country of Peru is predominately Roman Catholic, Lima, with its 12 million people, has a small number of gospel-preaching churches.

Dr. Georgio Romani had arranged for Chris to speak to 10 pastors on Monday night at a seminary. Several of the pastors’ churches use Regular Baptist Press Sunday School curriculum that they receive from Editorial Bautista Independiente, affiliated with Baptist Mid-Missions.

Chris challenged the pastors to work together and consider joining Regular Baptist International’s partnership. Through PowerPoint he introduced them to partnering ministries around the world. Pastor Julio, the president of a fellowship of pastors, expressed interest and concern about the possibility of forming a church association. Of the 10 pastors present, four of their churches do not own church buildings.

On Tuesday evening Chris spoke at a Baptist church’s midweek prayer meeting and Bible study. He encouraged the congregation from 1 Peter 1 that though we are pilgrims, we are chosen and special to God.