George Sake inlinePastor George Sackie is a church planter in the villages of Galai and Mafla in Liberia. These two villages are 45–60 minutes apart. Since they are remote areas, no public transportation is available.

He faithfully preaches the gospel in these villages under the auspices of the African Fundamental Baptist Mission, a partnering association of the IPFBM. But recently Pastor George’s tired motorcycle died and was deemed beyond repair.

Through the donations of God’s people to GARBC International Ministries, Pastor George received funds for a new motorcycle as transportation for him and his wife, Nancy. The motorcycle cost $1,150.

Seven more active evangelists are also in need of motorcycles. Enabling pastors and evangelists to get to their places of ministry is a great project for a church, missions group, Sunday School class, or individual who wants to make a difference in eternity.

On the donation page, select “African Projects” as your designation, or send a check to:

GARBC International Ministries
1300 N. Meacham Road
Schaumburg IL 60173

Write “African Projects” on the memo line.