Prasad Sakile is a pastor with the New Life Regular Baptist Society in Andhra Pradesh, India. He sends the following ministry update.

By the grace of God, we conducted a three-day Pastors’ Motivation and Revitalization Camp in our Gangakurru branch church. I taught a session on the doctrine and administration of the church, from the Telugu translated version of Dr. Paul Jackson’s book The Doctrine and Administration of the Church (Regular Baptist Press, available in English and Spanish).

Every three months we conduct this pastors’ camp and a Sunday School teachers’ training camp. This quarter we are unable to conduct the Sunday School teachers’ training camp due to a lack of teacher manuals. I hope the Lord provides for next quarter.

We praise the Lord we heard wonderful testimonials from our pastors’ group. Our Lord is always continuing to build His church.

This year we want to establish 24 small worship gathering services in 24 unreached areas and reach five unreached villages with gospel. Please pray for these programs. In my region, persecution is a dangerous situation. Many Hindu religious radical groups have been created; their aim is to destroy Christianity. We are all keeping our faith in our Lord for His mercy to change them through His love.

Also pray for cyclone- and flood-affected people groups to regain normal lives and to remain steadfast in Jesus Christ. These people groups face cyclones and floods every year.

Also pray for the Sunday School ministry and its needs. At present, 300 new Sunday School groups are meeting in different places in my region. Please pray for safety for my Sunday School teachers and gospel team.

Prasad Sakile
New Life Regular Baptist Society
Andhra Pradesh, India