David Chhetri is executive secretary of the Fundamental Baptist Churches Fellowship of Manipur. He sends the following ministry update.

By the grace of God and your prayers, the month of January has been quite a busy time.

During the first week, with our orphanage kids’ Sunday School offering, 150 kilograms (330 pounds) of rice was freely distributed to poor and hungry children in Myanmar.

On Jan. 6 my wife, Rita, and I attended the funeral service of the late Mrs. Lali Shankar, who was the wife of the late Rev. James, the first missionary of the Nepali community. During the second and third weeks, I completed the fourth semester of my DMin class.

Last Sunday a new church in a small village, Bethany Baptist Church, officially joined the Fundamental Baptist Churches Fellowship of Manipur. We praise the Lord! I also visited Gwaltabi Baptist Church again to dedicate new appointed church leaders.

David Chhetri
Fundamental Baptist Churches Fellowship of Manipur
Manipur, India