Mang Cin Pau serves with the Evangelical Baptist Conference and is pastor of Ambassador Baptist Church, both in Myanmar. He sends the following ministry update.

I’m happy to inform you that the printing and binding of my English-Zokam Theological Dictionary is done last week and we had a dedication service during the Sunday worship service, July 8, in my church, Ambassador Baptist Church.

Your support enables me to get 1,000 copies. I began to pack the books for sending to Chin State and also to the Chin pastors who need and who could meaningfully use this wonderful book for their leadership, preaching, teaching, and sharing. On Sunday I began to share and gave some copies to some visitors and some faithful ministers. Also some pastors visited my residence this morning to get this book.

This book is so essential for every student of the Bible among the Chins. I’m happy that this book will truly edify the church of Christ in Myanmar.

A new challenge through this book is that as soon as I announced the launching of my book, five Myanmar-speaking pastors heard about the birth of this Chin theological dictionary, and then they called me and asked me to translate again also in the Myanmar language. I responded and encouraged them to pray to God and if God willing He will make ways for printing costs.

Mang Cin Pau
Evangelical Baptist Conference
Yangon, Myanmar