GLS boxes_inlineGospel Literature Services sends Vacation Bible School materials to Peter and Phyllis Knights of Trinidad every year. They send the following letter.

We are greatly thankful for the VBS materials sent to us yearly.

Three boxes of materials sent to us were inadvertently delivered to someone who claimed to be the driver of the owner of the boxes. We reported the matter to the relevant authorities, but there have been no arrests. Marianne Baltensperger [then GLS secretary] sent us a CD to replace the shipment, and in spite of the incident stated, we were able to have two VBS programs: one in Trinidad with 85 children present and the other in Tabago with 42 children. We thank God for the seed sown in the hearts of these children. There were about 11 professions of faith made. God knows those that are His.

We look forward to the continuous supply of materials!

Peter and Phyllis Knights

  • Gospel Literature Services is able to ship Biblical resources around the world because churches, small groups, and individuals donate funds. Learn more about funding the shipment of materials and how you can get involved.