In Matthew 16:18, Jesus said, “I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” This is true of Calvary Baptist Church located on 18th Street, Monrovia, which celebrated its 50th anniversary on Dec. 23.

Speaking on the theme “God Is Preparing Us for the Rapture,” Rev. James Togba, pastor of Maranatha Baptist Church in Caldwell, Monrovia, called on the church to maintain its Baptist distinction in the midst of a corrupt society. He said we as Baptists have a great heritage and that we must give attention to our heritage by having a pioneering spirit and a faith that will attempt the impossible. “Be willing to endure hardship and fight the good fight of faith,” he told the packed church.

The keynote preacher for the occasion told the congregation that as Baptists, we must pay attention to the harvest. He said we must reach out to the lost souls and tell them about the love of Christ. In doing so, he said, there will be some hindrances to our message. The first hindrance is the failure to be innovative and being satisfied with the status quo. He described the second hindrance as the failure to retain our Baptist distinction. “You don’t win the world by being like them. Be what you are and let the world see who you really are,” he said.

Rev. Togba told the church that we must realize that God is our helper and that it is He Who has brought the church thus far.

Pastor Larque Vaye
Calvary Baptist Church Association
Calvary Baptist Church, pastor
Monrovia, Liberia