Experiencing God’s Blessing

I want to praise the Lord with you for His faithfulness during the three hardest months of the year here in the Baptist Seminary of Peru!!

I received yesterday the economical report and see how God worked to supply the necessary funds to pay utilities and salaries during December, January and February, which usually are the dry months of the year.

I want to thank you all who pray for us; I believe prayers are actions. I thought prayers were only pleas to God trusting on His goodness and wisdom. But reading verses like Romans 15:30 and 2 Corinthians 1:11, I found the prayers are to "strive together with" and "helping together". God has designed prayers as a way to work together with His servants in other areas of the world!! So, thank you very much for your partnership and, please, keep working by your prayers during this new year.

I also want to thank you all who sent offerings for this ministry. As you know, training workers is part of our strategy to fulfill the Great Commission. Every church and believer is responsible to make disciples to all nations; but how can this be done? Through prayers, offerings, training workers and sending workers. So, this Seminary is a small gear in the strategy of churches to obey the Great Commission in its worldwide scope… and thank you for your partnership!! (verses as Philippians 4:14-15 talk about offerings as a mean to "participate in").

Our new academic year is coming up. This March 6 we will start a very different year. In each semester, we will have regular classes during two months, and the next two months we will offer modular classes. This new system will permit to put our students in contact with skilled servants who can’t teach during four months, but can make arrangements to come and teach for two weeks. This system also open doors of opportunities to others who can’t study during one semester, but can study a couple of weeks and grow in their service to the Lord. May God be glorified in this new way to be a useful tool in His hands!!