Dear brother in Christ

Greetings to you from Kandhamal.

Kondhamal violence is growing and now its heat realized other part of Orissa too. Since violence broke out 20 people have killed. We lost our dear pastor Akabar Digal 25th of August and two believers in the Totomaha church and pastor Golok Digal of Phiringia church with him two believers were died. We are in danger.  Now leaders are their prime target. In the December 24th 07 violence, they targeting our properties and establishment. But this time the violence is more aggressive, they are not only destroyed the houses and properties ,but this time they brutally killed and targeting to kill the leaders. Since long time I am in their hit list. So far I am safe but in danger. Pray for all the leaders and pastors. This time the lose is 5 time more than the December 07 violance.
If God has given me the opportunity I will make you up date.
We need prayer in this moment .I request you to pray and mobilized the prayer for us. Please continue pray for us.

Yours and in His service
