We extend thanks and appreciation to you and those who contributed so much to our foundation in Liberia, especially you and sister Deb. The faculty of the school expressed gratitide to you so much that they say words are inadequate for them to express in writing but they are so grateful to God and your family.

Examples are the photos that we have sent to you. The library project is one of the leading libraries in the community, which will help students of the school and some children in the community. Parents were very happy when we called the meeting with the volunteer teachers during the presentation of the books for the kids. It is our prayer that you will always pray along with us as we continue to labor in the ministry of God.

Please extend our thanks and appreciation to your church children as we remember you all in prayer, including all the GARBC family. It is our prayer that you will one day come and serve as preacher during the closing of the school. Let God bless you and keep you in Jesus’ name.

Trusting in the Lord always,

Pastor James K. Burnette
Children Assistance Friendship Foundation, Inc.
Monrovia, Liberia

