Rev. Everard Cadogan of Guyana, South America, sends the following highlights of IMG_1265recent events:

Missionary Team Visit

For the second time in as many years, a short-term missionary team comprising pastors from Brazil and the USA along with other Brazilian brethren visited us. A series of sessions were held the weekend after Easter. Topics such as the role of women in ministry, tongues, and the gospel were expounded and discussed from the Scriptures. Pastor James Taigo from Brazil and Pastor Rick Goertzen from the USA led the team. Special thanks to the Nascimentoses, Brazilian missionaries serving under the auspices of the Association of Baptist Churches, for facilitating these precious visits.

Pioneer Evangelism

A stimulating and informative workshop was held May 24 and 25 on evangelism using the Pioneer Model, a Biblically based New Testament evangelism approach. Participants were trained by Dr. Jeff Brawner. Please pray that the knowledge gained will bear rich fruit for the Lord’s harvest as evangelism-discipleship teams are formed, trained, and sent. Much thanks to Pastor Brawner for his ministry among the brethren and the Nascimentoses for facilitating yet another edifying missionary visit.

New Addition to Cole Family

IMG_1266On April 29, Pastor and Mrs. Cole were blessed with their third child, Jeremy David. He joins his siblings Timothy (4) and Claire (2). God be praised for a safe birth and healthy mom and baby!

Rev. Everard Cadogan
Association of Baptist Churches in Guyana
Georgetown, Guyana, South America